Saturday, January 17, 2009

Technofest 2k9

Hey fellas,

The Technofest for this year will be held on Feb 2oth and 21st. Unlike before the events are being planned out extensively and there has been a lot of excitement regarding this among the organizers and the concerned faculty. There are various events for you to prove your talent be it showing your creative talent or proving our subject knowledge.

ISBCSI blog brings you the details of the various events being conducted under IARE student branch of CSI,


STUDENT CINEMAS, the short film festival being organized for the first time in our college is for those people who would to prove their creative talent which makes them stand out from others. The competition asks for a separate post considering its prominence in the fest. further details in above post.


KARTHIK 9885570111
VISWANATH 9701534763
AJAY 9949993432


Think you can collaborate and work with a team and you are also blessed with creativity? then this is the competition you ought to participate. Participate in the TECHNICAL ROLE PLAY and give life to your thoughts and also show your knowledge on the given topics creatively.
the topics being,

- Functions
- Incremental model
- Multicasting
- Component
- Polymorphism

ENTRY FEE: Rs.50/-

RAJESH 9908075579


Wanna be the next Picasso? Got the skill to play around with the digital canvas? Hop in and fill the digital canvas with your ideas. Design a poster to advertise any software product. Make sure your digital canvas is of size A3. Send the poster and the project work file in a CD or DVD.

ENTRY FEE: Rs.50/-

* Last date for submission is 12 Feb

BHARATH 9703748600
KUNAAL 9885054200


Do you have what it takes to be a programmer?

Needs no intro, the code optimization is for the wanna be programmers of the future. Scramble through the code and eliminate the bugs and remove the unwanted code.


VISHNUKANTH 9000908502


There are great minds and then there are Master minds! Can you be the trouble shooter along with your crew? Give the best solution to the given problem, be creative, be innovative, be a Master mind.

It is not about solving the problem, its about being creative and innovative.

ENTRY FEE: Rs.50/-

GOPI 9985318034

ISBCSI- Learn through collaboration.

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